Although there is no guarantee you are owed money, you may determine if you have unclaimed funds, and if so, how to access them. details where one may go to determine if there are unclaimed funds available. Follow the instructions on the individual websites listed at to locate your “free” unclaimed money.
Search for:
- unclaimed money in your state;
- money from employers;
- money from insurance;
- money from tax refunds;
- money from banking and investments;
- international unclaimed money;
- undelivered and unclaimed federal and state tax refund checks
Click here to go to to begin your search: Unclaimed Money from the Government | USAGov
Consumer Reports: How to Find Forgotten Assets Covers property held by states, U.S. Treasury Securities, Accounts at failed banks, S&Ls, and credit union, defined benefit pensions, 401 (k) plans, life insurance policies, and federal tax refunds.