Low Income Survivors to Thrivers
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Finding Benefits and Programs in the U.S.: As easy as 1, 2, 3…

Who knew that there are such quick and simple ways to find benefits and programs for which we may be eligible, simply by completing a few short online benefit screening questionnaires, which are all located on the Low-Income Survivors to Thrivers website.

Let’s take a look at who may benefit from these free, easy-to-complete online benefit questionnaires!

U.S. Benefits

Benefits.gov is the official benefits website of the U.S. government that serves as a centralized educational resource for over 1,000 government benefits.” The Benefit Finder questionnaire at Benefits.Gov “can help you find benefits you may be eligible to receive and direct you to the agency to apply.”

Benefits categories include:

Agricultural Loans; Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability; Business Loans; Disaster Relief; Education Loans; Education and Training; Employment and Career Development; Family and Children Services; Financial Assistance; Food and Nutrition; Grants; Healthcare and Medical Assistance; Housing Loans; Housing and Public Utilities; Immigration and Refugee Assistance; Loan Repayment; Loans; Military: Active Duty and Veterans; Retirement Social Security; Social Security and Retirement; Veterans Loans; Volunteer Opportunities.

Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST)

Find the right social security benefits for you by starting the Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST) questionnaire, developed by the Social Security Administration. This anonymous survey screens for SSI and SSDI, Social Security Survivors, Special Veterans, and other benefits programs, including:

  • Disability Assistance
  • Family
  • Insurance
  • Medicare
  • Retirement
  • Spouse & Widow(er)
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Veterans


BenefitsCheckUp® is a comprehensive, free online tool that connects older adults with benefits they may qualify for, and is a free service of the National Council on Aging. There are over 2500 benefit programs available nationwide. Find My Benefits will take you to the online questionnaire to determine for which benefits you may be eligible.

Medicaid Eligibility Test / Pre-Screen for Long Term Care: Are you an American senior who is 65 years old and older who is looking for options to help pay for long-term care needs? If the answer is yes, then this test is for you.

The Eldercare Financial Assistance Locator by Paying for Senior Care provides a helpful online questionnaire.


Are you a Veteran who would like to connect to resources? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Resources may be accessed online at MaketheConnection.net.

The National Resource Directory “connects wounded, ill & injured Service members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers with those who support them.”


Are you looking for Low-Income Benefit Programs by State?


Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) created the Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) to provide a dedicated search engine that allows users to search for financial assistance resources available to them, their loved ones or patients in their lives through the various biopharmaceutical industry programs available for patients who are eligible.”


Are you looking for a government loan? If so, look no further than GovLoans.Gov. Start the Loan Finder questionnaire to find information on loans you may be eligible for. Loan categories include agricultural, business, education, housing, and Veterans loans and loan repayment.

Although these aren’t the only online benefit screening tools and questionnaires available in the U.S., those mentioned here may be helpful in quickly pinpointing resources one may be eligible for, and showing us how to connect to and apply for resources in the U.S.

Happy benefit seeking!

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