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Tribal TANF aka “Welfare”

Direct Assistance (Financial Assistance and Social Services) (FASS)

U.S. Department of the Interior – Indian Affairs

“FASS consists of direct funding and activities related to financial assistance, including general assistance, child assistance, burial assistance, emergency assistance, and adult care assistance; social services, including services to children, the elderly and families, child and adult protection services.” Direct Assistance (Financial Assistance & Social Services) | Indian Affairs (bia.gov)

“This program provides assistance to American Indians and Alaska Natives who have no access to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), do not meet eligibility criteria for TANF, or have exceeded the lifetime limit for TANF services. The services under this section are designed to be secondary in nature.”

Applicants can apply for assistance at the nearest BIA-operated or tribal social service provider. To obtain information on how to find a provider in your area, please contact the nearest BIA regional office.

Screening questions to help determine eligibility for services

Locate Your Regional Office                                              

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